Monday, February 17, 2020

Ethics exam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Ethics exam - Essay Example n technology today have been beneficial, but it has also held its disadvantages as well as such advances have been made by the use of establishments such as factories and processing plants which have also been responsible for playing a large role in the pollution of the environment. To right this wrong the society cannot depend on the government alone as this will be too big a task to be handled by one institution and thus they will require the cooperation and help of every individual involved. It should be noted that one cannot easily thrive in a harsh environment and thus it can be said that the progress and achievement that has been realized by the society has been due partly to the environment and resources that it has had to offer. Knowing this it would not be right for the human population to then turn around and continue to indulge in activities that they are aware are affecting the environment in a negative manner. As a means of showing our appreciation, it should be every individual’s responsibility to take it upon themselves to play a part in cleaning up the environment no matter how small a role one might perceive it to be (De La Torre, 2004). Knowing that the environment is being destroyed and doing nothing about it equates to destroying the environment and thus it should be noted that one should not consider themselves innocent just because they are not involved in the pollution activities that are happening around them. The environment was also given to the human race by the Lord, and while doing so he put us in charge of its care and thus it is our responsibility. Just as one would not sit back and watch their child die we should not be unmoved by the plight of the environment (Pope Leo, 1890). Taking care of the environment will benefit every individual in the after all so the task should not be taken up by a few people, but by every single person present in the world. The alternatives at our disposal, as opposed to taking care of the

Monday, February 3, 2020

That which is accepted as knowledge today is sometimes discarded Essay - 3

That which is accepted as knowledge today is sometimes discarded tomorrow. Consider knowledge issues raised by this statement in two areas of knowledge - Essay Example Clearly, from all indications, society is dynamic. Cultures change and people change in different timeframes. Thus, it is apparent that as time changes, what is regarded as true in one era might not be taken as accurate or correct in another generation. Culture refers to the way a group of people live and carry out their activities. Schabracq identifies that cultural change and knowledge have a symbiotic relationship2. This is because as knowledge increases in a given community or society, the way they do things and the way they perceive things also changes. This is because the worldview of a given people is based on their understanding of the world at every point in time. And this defines their values, norms and morals at every given point in time. This indicates that culture knowledge is bound to also change as the culture changes. This is because in a situation where a nations culture changes, what they define as â€Å"truth† will also change. This implies that the views and ideas of people are tied to the dominant culture and the dominant views of doing things. In the Western world today, people who were defined as deviant and illegals for their indulgence in same-sex affairs 50 years were humiliated and demeaned in the society. This is because the society had the belief that same sex activities were evil and defined as wrong by the dominant rules of the society. Many people were forced to seek treatments and others were discriminated against. However, due to changes in what these people call the â€Å"truth† or â€Å"knowledge†, the Western world has increasingly taken an acceptive approach to same sex partnerships. This shows that there is a trend towards changes and modification in a given society and this changes the definition of knowledge from time to time. The advances in knowledge and understanding of concepts and ideas puts an obligation on the authorities in a given sector to discard previous knowledge and take